Saturday, 22 March 2014

Fashion is Danger

The hilarious title of my post is a reference to a song by the wonderful Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. I haven't documented my everyday dressing style here. I wear band t shirts most days [unless I'm wearing a dress] and then pair it with shorts or a miniskirt. 
I own many band t shirts, it's a compulsion.
I just love proclaiming my music taste on my chest and I also like when people positively comment about the band in question. There is however the 'danger' of someone being a dick about one of my favourite bands. 
This particular outfit is an example of my standard. It's so easy for me to put together, no effort required and not terribly inventive. This is a t shirt I bought at the Flight of the Conchords concert I went to with friends two years ago. I love its sparkles and that it's made of such soft fabric.

Outfit details
Top - Flight of the Conchords
Shorts - Urban Outfitters
Fishnets - eBay

Here is the link to the song 'Fashion is Danger' by the aforementioned musicians, I hope you enjoy it.



  1. i'm not the hugest fan of fishnets, but i'm really liking how they look in the last photo.

    1. Thanks Kelly! Fishnets have become my new favourite thing, they're just challenging to get good photos of...
